Spacecraft » Light year

When will we shake hands with our cousins?
‘Light year’ is how we measure distance in space. It is a distance a beam of light could travel in a year- a distance of 6 trillion miles. Light travels in vacuum at 186,282.4 miles per second. At that speed we can encircle the earth almost 8 times in a second. 
Light from sun takes 8 minutes to reach the earth, means we are seeing the past. Also light from Milky Way stars take 100,000 light years to reach us and the light from the edge of the galaxy takes 14billion years. It means are we going crazy here; yes we are seeing the light from stars that existed before the humans recorded life on earth or even before this planet existed. 
Now we have found our cousin planet 1400 light years away, so imagine how many generations to go before we shake hands with them