Substance Abuse » Drugs


Drugs are chemicals that change the person’s physical and psychological function. The legal drugs may be taken for medical reasons to cure health issues, with a prescription from a heath professional. But in this chapter, we refer mostly illegal substances that can be inhaled, injected or taken orally to produce an effect. People face drug problems when using illegal drug such as marijuana, cannabis, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, crystal meth, LSD, amphetamines and legal highs.


Causes of Drug Addiction

Genetic Causes

Genetics play a vital role in drug addiction and the exact cause involves multiple gene sequences still remains mystery. A person with a blood relative of drug problems is at greater risk and the inherited genetic traits influence the rate of progression of the disease.


Psychological Causes

Psychological issues like depression, feeling of loneliness, and other mental illness play a major role in drug related problems. The stress may be due to various external problems such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, chaotic family situation, bullying, and lack of friends, poor performance at work or school and inability to cope with the stress. Person suffering from mental disorders becomes more dependent on drugs to cope up with the painful psychological feelings.


Environmental Causes

A person’s environment, including family beliefs and attitude can be a part of causal factors. This problem starts in adolescence due to inattentive, abusive and neglectful parents who fails to bond with their children. Children whose peer group with drug addicts experiment the substance and often become drug addicts themselves. Gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic status contribute to addiction of drugs. The performance boosting drugs are encouraged in some sports which eventually becomes a habit.


Effects of Drug Addiction

Physical Effects

The primary effect takes place in the brain cells, which remains for a long time even after stopping the drug usage. Illegal drugs can lead to a range of health issues including the damage to the heart, brain, lungs and other vital organs. Hepatitis, HIV and stroke are the other illnesses of drug addiction. The effects are even harsh for the kids and teenagers thus reducing their growth function drastically.


Psychological Effects

The major consequence is craving and obsession with the use of drugs. Other effects include mood swings, anxiety, depression, hallucinations, inability to make decisions and suicidal thoughts.


Behavioural Effects

The addiction leads to risky behavioural changes that may result in accidents, financial debts and family issues. It can also decline performance in academics, sports and regular activities. Regular absenteeism eventually leads to employment loss. The drug abusers face legal issues for stealing, promoting, possessing and driving under the drug influence.


Major Signs of Drug Addiction

  • Lack of concentration and mental alertness
  • Negative attitude
  • Decreased co-ordination
  • Difficulty remembering
  • Slow response
  • Slurred speech
  • Loss interest in school or work
  • Sudden changes in their peer group
  • Grumpy all the time
  • Wanting to be left alone
  • Sleepiness
  • Involving in fights and other anger related issues
  • Sudden weight changes
  • Eye redness and puffiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Spending money
  • Lack of interest in their looks


Drug Addiction Treatment

It is very difficult to help a drug addict as they may not want to help themselves. The whole support process needs dedication and a lot of patience.

        If you notice the changes and signs in a person, inform the concerned adult that you can trust. The person might need help from a professional to find the appropriate treatment. Make an appointment for a medical assessment and get referred to a drug treatment program. Ensure the medical schedule is strictly followed, as detox process involves the use of medications for easy withdrawal. It is important to make job changes during the period of medication. Make sure all the documents are filed with the insurance company.

        Drug addiction therapy educates the person on his addiction and underlying reasons. It enhances motivation and behavioural changes in a positive manner. It also offers counselling support by repairing affected relationships affected by this addiction.

        Moral support is an important tool to make a person feel himself again. Joining the support group and sharing experiences can help feel good and withdraw the habit in a comparatively short period of time than coping it alone.

       Most importantly, the employer should carry out random drug testing procedures in work locations to avoid accidents due to drug addiction problems.