How it is? » Runway Overrun Prevention System

Runway Overrun Prevention System:
According to the US National Transportation Safety Board (NSTB), out of 1332 runway accidents between 1995 - 2007, 379 of these accidents were due to runway overruns, which led to 680 fatalities. Airbus has introduced a system called Runway Overrun Prevention System (ROPS) that is designed to prevent the aircraft from extending beyond the runway end during takeoff or landing. The system is integrated with Flight Management and Navigation systems and updates the pilots in real-time display, where the aircraft will stop on the runway in WET or DRY conditions.
If the system predicts an overrun, it will give a visual and verbal alert; “RUNWAY TOO SHORT” and one the ground “KEEP MAX REVERSE”. Only on A 380 and A350, if the aircraft confirms an overrun, it automatically arm Autobrake and max braking is applied without delay.